Are you looking for more information about What Is Acestream And How Can You Install It, then you are at right place. Here I will provide you all information related this topic. There is a wireless technology everywhere; our phone, internet, gearboxes so why not our TVs? The idea of having wireless television has clicked for some years now. One of the technologies involved in having no cable television program is AceStream. This is the system uses a peering system. that means the tiny data that carries your favorite TV program, live shows, and broadcast functions as a seed. These seeds are accessible to other peer receiving programs; therefore, they are called peer-to-peer systems. You may have used the download a program that uses a peering system on your computer such as the torrent. While AceStream uses a peering system. there is no requirement for being attached to a cable subscription. Instead, you get a fresh AceStream link in KODI. You would require high-speed and unlimited data. KDOI offers Plexus Add-on where you can stream the links such as AceStream and SopCast to watch sports channels and other channels and programs.

What Is Acestream And How Can You Install It


AceStream may sound technological and advance but luckily has been offered for convenience and easy setup. All you need to do is follow the instructions and you are all done. But before you start setting up, don’t forget to make sure your internet connection is unlimited. This was you won’t have an extra charger or internet disconnection while watching your favorite entertainment channel.
  • Open the setting
You must already own a KODI device to install AceStream. Once you open KODI just go ahead and click on the setting. It would be the center button on the top left.

Once you have opened the setting, a window opens that offers many options to other windows. You will need to look for the file manager and click on it.
  • File manager
Once you have chosen the file manager, you will be presented with another window; there you must click on Add Source option.
  • URL link
By clicking on the Add Source and option shows up which states: “Enter the paths or browse for the media locations” you may have a link already. you need to click on the button that says ‘OK’ to proceed ahead
  • Name your link.
Once you clicked the go button, you will be requested a name; you can give any nickname. This is to name your Media Source. Click ‘OK’ again. You will be required to click on this name later while installing the programs; So remember it well.
  • Return to the main page
Click the button that redirects to your KODI home page. It is the same page as the startup on the home page. The only difference is that now you are logged in.
  • Add-ons
You can see on the main page that states you do not have any Add-ons installed yet. To e sidebar, find the option that states ‘Add-ons’ and click on it.
  • Package icon
After you will need to find the icon of ‘Package’ and click on it; this is usually found on the top left corner of the panel.
  • Take your pick
You need to read the options available to you as a package and select. There is an option that states’ install the zip file’, click on it.
You need to install them separately from the presented zip files.
  • Click on your nickname
Once the installation starts, it redirects you to a page; You can see a button with the previously given nickname (the name you had chosen).
The newly opened window, represent two repositories; and You need to choose the one with your chosen nickname.
  • Waiting gap
You would require to wait for the installation to complete. It is up to a maximum of 30 seconds; fast internet is always a bonus. Once the installation message finishes, you can see the message that appears on the top right corner; ‘Add-on installed’.
  • Repository installation
Once the installation is finished, find the icon that states ‘Install from repository’; it is usually the center icon.
  • Nickname-repository
After you are directed to a page that shows all repositories. Find the one that has your nickname on and click on it.
  • Choose you Add-ons
You are then represented with add-ons; such as program add-ons, music add-ons, weather, services and look and feel. You need to click on the program add-ons.
  • Plexus program add-ons
Once you enter your nickname repository, you are directed to all the accessible programs. However, to install AceStream, you will need to find the Plexus Program Add-on and click on it. This way you can get AceStream support on your KODI.
  • Plexus installation
Once you clicked on plexus, you are directed to a page. You need to find the install button and click on it. After you have clicked it, there will be a short period of wait.
  • Plexus installation notification
Keep an eye on the top right corner of the page. There will be a notification that Plexus has been successfully installed.
  • Home page
Then, you need to redirect to the Home Page of KODI, click on the add-ons. You can see that Plexus has been added to your add-ons page. Click on the Plexus icon.
  • Download AceStream
By clicking on Plexus, you can see many downloading modules. Click on the AceStream module. It may take a little while for its download.
  • AceStream peering options
Once the download is finished, you are presented with an option such as;

AceStream: Play AceStream hash/ torrent URL
AceStream: Load local .torrent file
SopCast: Play SopCast ID
SopCast: Play SopCast URL.

You can copy and paste your fresh AceStream link or go with the SopCast option. To choose AceStream, you need to click on; AceStream: Play AceStream hash/ torrent URL. Add your link and select ‘OK’.
  • Peering Wait
There will be a message that shows there will be a little wait for peer connecting. This should not take more than a few seconds.
  • Enjoy your channel
Once the wait is over, you can enjoy your favorite channel’s programs.


AceStream is not only cable-free but also provides HD quality video. It is easy to set up and can give you access to every channel you love.