Administrative passwords give you total control of your device. There are many security risks associated with the internet and most of them are financial. So to protect yourself, you will need administrative passwords for your devices. This password will let you control most things related to the device such as who can access it. In the case of a router, the administrative password protects all your personalized settings. These settings can include parental control, banned websites, and the number of users on the router. No changes can be made to the administrative settings of the router without the password. 

Reset Netgear Router Admin Password
You may find yourself in a situation where you need to change your password. Maybe someone has gotten access to it, or you simply want a new password. In such a situation, you will need to know how to proceed. In certain situations, you have lost your password or can’t remember it. Without your password, you have no administrative access. This is usually required for a password change. You don’t have to panic if you can’t remember your password. Netgear takes into account the possibility of you losing your password. So if you have a Netgear router, it is possible to set a new password without knowing the old one. Follow the steps listed steps and you will be able to reset your password.

Go to the router address: To access your Netgear account you will need to go to the router address. Here, you can make any changes you want to or have to make. In this case, you want to reset your password. So, with your computer connected to the router, open your browser and input the address. The address is You will be redirected to the homepage of Netgear, where you will have your page. In some cases, the homepage willautomatically recognize your device and lead you to your page.

Cancel Login: Any change you want to make relating to the router will require your login information. This is to confirm the account you want to make changes to. Normally, you will enter your login details and proceed to your account. As you no longer have your password, you cannot log in. So once the login option comes up, you will need to cancel this option. The system will detect that something is wrong, and redirect you to another page.

Input your serial number: Once you abort the login, you will be redirected to another screen. It is important to know that, this will only happen if the password recovery feature is activated. So when you are setting up your router initially, please, activate this feature. If the feature is active, then you are directed to a page asking for your router’s serial number. Since you cannot be identified from your login, it requires an alternate. The serial number is unique to each device, so the system identifies your router.

Enter your security answers: Once you have entered the serial number, next, you will a verification. Your password served as your verification, so now, you will provide answers. While activating the password recovery, you would have been asked to provide security questions. Each question would have a unique answer that you provided. Now, you will be asked those questions which you set. You will need to answer them correctly so the system can confirm your authority. If the answers are correct, then you can move on to the next stage.

Continue to reset password: After your answer has been accepted, you will be redirected to a page saying 'reset the password.' The answers you provided have verified that you are the correct administrator of the device. The system will believe you are having login issues and want to select a new password. So it will direct you to the appropriate page for that. Click on the reset password option to begin the password reset process.

Choose a new password: Once you have chosen the password reset option, you will be redirected to a new page. Here, you will be allowed to chose a new password. The password can be anything you want, except your previous password choice. One you chose a new once, confirm it, and it will become your new password. You have now successfully regained administrative control of the account. You can log in and logout as you please from this moment. Once you click confirm, you will be redirected to a new page.

Security questions: You already have your security questions set, but you will be given a chance to change them. The system considers you a new admin and will give you the options it would give a new user. So you will have the option of changing your security question. The option is not mandatory though. So you can change the security question and answer to something else, or leave it be. At this point, you have completed the entire process. You have only one more thing to confirm your password.

Login to the router: Now that your new password has been set, the old one will no longer be recognized. So you will need to login to enter your new password and verify the change. Enter the Netgear address from the first step, and enter your newly created login details. Once it is accepted, your router page will be opened. Here, you can customize the settings associated with the router. If at any point, you want to change your password, you can visit your setting page, if you have your password. If you don't, then you will repeat the process.