A Roomba is a gift of advanced technology, making it effortless to keep our houses clean. In addition to the already convenient enough features, many technically advanced models of the robotic vacuums offer self-emptying of the vacuum bin, making it much easier especially, for people with a very busy daily routine or those who tend to forget to empty the bin on time. And of course, it is a Godsend for idle people like me.

Do Any Robot Vacuum Empty Themselves?

The most common method of self-emptying

The Roombas with self-emptying technology have special sensors which detect when the bin requires emptying itself. Their docking station has a suction hole installed on the floor. This suction hole is connected through pipes to a canister and a suction pump. 

Once the intrinsic bin of the vacuum is filled to the capacity, the sensors sense it. It then returns to its Home Base and connects with the suction hole on the floor. The suction pump then vacuums all the dust from the bin to the canister. Once empty, the vacuum is now ready for another cycle of cleaning. 

What happens if you don’t empty the Roomba on time?

Roombas with manual emptying, although, less convenient, are still in use. They usually have a bin capacity of 0.6 – 1 liters depending on the model. Once the bin is filled you have to empty it or else it will overflow and start dispersing the dust in your house instead of cleaning it! 

Many of the models have alarms to tell when the bin is full but some do not so, you have to keep a record and check manually if it needs emptying. And if there is anyone with a dust allergy in your house, it can be a serious problem!

How frequently do the vacuums need emptying?

After what interval do the vacuums require emptying depends on several factors whether they are the self-emptying models or the manually-required emptying models.

The bin size  

The average range of bin size in various models is 0.6 -1 liters. So it is understandable that the smaller the bin size the frequent it requires to empty itself. And the larger bins take a little more time till they require emptying.

Size of the area cleaned 

Obviously, if the device is covering a greater area it will accumulate more dust so the bin will fill up early and hence, will require evacuating.

Members in the house.

If your house has a lot of members, it is invariably going to be dirtier than the one with comparatively fewer members. So, it will require more frequent unloading of the dirt.

General routine. 

If you are a person who generally keeps the home clean, then your device would not fill up very soon but if you tend to create a mess easily then it might require frequent changing

Presence of pets.

Most people have cats or dogs or any other hairy animals as their pets. They tend to shed their fur creating a turdy floor. So, the vacuum has to put extra effort to clean that up and needs frequent evacuating of its bin. This problem is elevated during summers, as animals shed more hair in the season.

Type of flooring.

Carpeted floors assimilated a greater amount of dust than wooden or tiled floors. So the bin gets full frequently in carpeted homes and the sensors activate the self-emptying mechanism.

How frequently you run your Roomba?

If you like to run your Roomba twice a day it is going to need more frequent emptying than if you run it twice a week. Again it is a matter of preference.

What models offer the self-emptying feature?

iRobot Roomba S9+

It has a sensor in the dustbin which senses the fullness end goes onto empty itself at the docking station

Proscenic M7 Pro 

With good battery life, it is a very convenient option for all the busy folks out there. 

Shark IQ Robot XL.

Most self-emptying vacuums come with a greater price tag but this one is an exception. It gives you a clean house within an affordable range.


It has the added benefit of sizing. It has a smaller docking station set up compared to other self-emptying models.

iRobot Roomba 3+, 6+ and 7+ 

This brand comes with a higher price tag but is sure to give you the quality as well.

Who should get a self-emptying Roomba?

The kind of job.

  People with a busy job or more working hours should prefer buying a self-evacuating robotic vacuum since they would not have time to empty it from time to time manually.

Level of energy.

 Most people don’t like to do house maintenance after a tiring day so it is worth buying a self-emptying Roomba


Old people usually don’t have much capacity to do house chores so it is preferable for them to buy it. 


If you are sick it will be easier for you to have a self-emptying device.

Do self-emptying Roombas require maintenance?

Although much less frequently than the manual ones, self-unloading vacuums do require maintenance. The external canister which the vacuum empties into must be emptied when full. Also, the sensors should be checked from time to time if they are working properly.

Tips if you are buying a self-emptying robot vacuum. 

Size of the canister.

The size of the external canister should at least last you 3-6 months so that you can truly benefit from the self-emptying ones. Or else it would not be worth buying at an elevated price. 

Keep it charged.

If the charging goes out before it reaches the docking station, not only there is a chance of it getting stuck in weird places but also, it will stay full when it needed emptying. And it will empty first before the next cycle.

Docking station.

It should be at a flat, spacious location, with proper connections with the external canister.


Self-evacuating Roombas are a modern-day need and worth buying. It is a matter of choice which model you consider buying depending on other features it offers, keeping in mind your needs.