Snapchat is a versatile platform that allows users to share engaging stories with photos and videos. One popular feature is the ability to create pic collages, which enable users to combine multiple images into a single, captivating composition. Whether you want to showcase memorable moments, highlight a special event, or simply express your creativity, making a pic collage on Snapchat is a fun and exciting way to do it. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of creating stunning pic collages on Snapchat to impress your friends and followers.
How To Create Pic Collages On Snapchat?
Step 1: Launch Snapchat and Access the Camera

Open the Snapchat app on your smartphone and log in to your account. Tap the circle icon at the bottom-center of the screen to access the camera view.

Step 2: Take or Select Photos

Capture new photos by tapping the circular shutter button, or choose existing photos from your camera roll by tapping the small square icon located at the bottom-left corner of the camera screen.

Step 3: Enable the Collage Feature

Once you have the images you want to include in your collage, enable the collage feature. To do this, tap the "paperclip" icon on the right side of the screen, then type "collage" in the search bar and select the "Collage" option from the results.

Step 4: Choose a Layout

Snapchat offers various collage layouts, and you can choose one that suits your preference. Swipe horizontally to preview the available layouts and select the one you like best. Some layouts may have spaces for two photos, while others may accommodate up to six images.

Step 5: Add Photos to the Collage

With the layout selected, add your chosen photos to each section of the collage. To do this, tap on the blank spaces within the layout and then select the images you want to fill them. You can also rearrange the photos by pressing and dragging them to different positions.

Step 6: Apply Filters, Stickers, and Text

Enhance your collage by applying filters, stickers, and text to each photo. To add a filter, swipe left or right on a photo to preview and select the desired one. To include stickers, tap the square icon at the top of the screen and choose from a wide range of stickers available. Add text by tapping on the "T" icon and typing your desired message.

Step 7: Adjust Image Sizes and Positions

To fine-tune your collage, you can adjust the size and position of each photo within its respective section. Pinch the photo with two fingers to resize it or use one finger to move it around until you achieve the desired look.

Step 8: Save and Share Your Collage

Once you are satisfied with your collage masterpiece, tap the save button located at the bottom-right corner of the screen. This will save the collage to your camera roll. From there, you can share it on your Snapchat story, send it to specific friends, or share it on other social media platforms.

Tips for Creating Impressive Pic Collages:

Consistent Theme: Choose photos that follow a consistent theme or tell a cohesive story. This will make your collage visually appealing and more engaging to viewers.

Use High-Quality Images: Opt for high-resolution images to ensure that your collage looks sharp and professional.

Experiment with Filters and Stickers: Have fun with Snapchat's array of filters and stickers to add a touch of creativity and personalization to your collage.

Avoid Overcrowding: Be mindful not to overcrowd your collage with too many photos or elements. Maintain a balanced and visually pleasing composition.

Try Different Layouts: Experiment with different collage layouts to find the one that best suits your images and desired style.


Creating pic collages on Snapchat is a fantastic way to showcase your memories and creativity in a visually captivating manner. By following this step-by-step guide and incorporating the provided tips, you can craft impressive and eye-catching collages that will impress your friends and followers. Remember to experiment with filters, stickers, and layouts to find your unique style. So, start snapping, and have fun making your very own pic collages on Snapchat!