As I'm sure many of you know, Roomba is one of the most popular robotic vacuum cleaners on the market. It's a great way to keep your floors clean without having to do the hard work yourself. But, have you ever wondered how to make Roomba avoid areas?

In this blog post, I'm going to discuss how to program Roomba to avoid areas. I'll cover three methods: using virtual lighthouses, using boundary strips, and using the Roomba app. I will also discuss how to program Roomba to clean specific areas and the benefits of programming Roomba to avoid areas.

How to Make Roomba Avoid Areas?

Introduction to Roomba

Roomba is a robotic vacuum cleaner developed by iRobot, a US-based robotics company. It is one of the most popular robotic vacuum cleaners on the market and is used by millions of people around the world. Roomba is equipped with sensors and cameras to help it navigate around the house and clean your floors. It has a variety of features, including scheduling cleaning times, cleaning specific areas, and avoiding obstacles.

How to Program Roomba to Avoid Areas

If you want to make sure Roomba doesn't enter certain areas of your home, there are a few methods you can use. Here are three of the most popular:

SUB-SECTION 2.1. Using Virtual Lighthouses

Virtual lighthouses are sensors that you can place around your house. They emit a signal that Roomba will detect and use to navigate around the house. If you place the lighthouses in areas that you don't want Roomba to enter, Roomba will avoid those areas. The lighthouses are easy to set up and can be programmed to detect other sensors, such as motion detectors.

SUB-SECTION 2.2. Using Boundary Strips

Boundary strips are thin strips of plastic that you can place around the areas you don't want Roomba to enter. Roomba will detect the strips and avoid them. The strips are easy to set up and are a great way to keep Roomba out of areas like closets and bathrooms.

SUB-SECTION 2.3. Using the Roomba App

The Roomba app is a great way to control your Roomba from your phone. With the app, you can set up virtual walls and barriers that Roomba will detect and avoid. The app is easy to use and is a great way to keep Roomba away from areas like the kitchen and living room.

How to Program Roomba to Clean Specific Areas

If you want Roomba to clean specific areas of your home, there are a few methods you can use. Here are three of the most popular:

SUB-SECTION 3.1. Using Virtual Lighthouses

Virtual lighthouses are a great way to program Roomba to clean specific areas of your home. You can place the lighthouses in the areas that you want Roomba to clean and it will detect the signal and clean the area. This is a great way to make sure Roomba is focusing its cleaning efforts in the areas you want.

SUB-SECTION 3.2. Using Boundary Strips

Boundary strips are a great way to program Roomba to clean specific areas. You can place the strips around the areas that you want Roomba to clean and it will detect the signal and clean the area. This is a great way to make sure Roomba is focusing its cleaning efforts in the areas you want.

SUB-SECTION 3.3. Using the Roomba App

The Roomba app is a great way to program Roomba to clean specific areas. With the app, you can set up virtual walls and barriers that Roomba will detect and clean the areas within the walls. This is a great way to make sure Roomba is focusing its cleaning efforts in the areas you want.

Benefits of Programming Roomba to Avoid Areas

Programming Roomba to avoid areas has a lot of benefits. It can help you keep your floors clean and free of dirt and debris. It can also help you save time by preventing Roomba from entering areas that you don't want it to enter. Finally, it can help you save money by ensuring that Roomba is focusing its cleaning efforts in the areas that need it most.


In conclusion, programming Roomba to avoid areas is a great way to keep your floors clean and free of dirt and debris. There are a few methods you can use to program Roomba to avoid areas, such as using virtual lighthouses, using boundary strips, and using the Roomba app. You can also program Roomba to clean specific areas with the same methods. The benefits of programming Roomba to avoid areas are numerous, so if you want to keep your floors clean and free of dirt and debris, I recommend giving it a try!