If you received a notification that someone joined Snapchat, it indicates that the Snapchat app detected a new user who recently joined the platform. Snapchat sends notifications to its users for various reasons, including when someone from their contacts or friends list joins the app. Here are a few possible explanations for why you received this notification:

Why Did I Get Notification That Someone Joined Snapchat?

Contact synchronization: Snapchat may have synchronized your contacts with its servers and identified a new contact who is already using the app. When this happens, Snapchat sends notifications to let you know that your friend or contact has joined the platform.

Mutual friends: If you have mutual friends with the person who joined Snapchat, the app may notify you to encourage connections and interactions within your social circle. This notification helps you discover new connections and potentially add them as friends on Snapchat.

Recommendations: Snapchat employs algorithms and machine learning techniques to suggest new friends based on your existing contacts, interests, and activity on the platform. If the newly joined person falls within the scope of Snapchat's recommendations, you may receive a notification suggesting them as a potential friend.

Notifications settings: It's also possible that you have enabled notifications for various events and activities within the Snapchat app. By default, Snapchat notifies you when your contacts join the platform to keep you informed about new additions to your network. If you wish to adjust your notification settings, you can explore the app's settings menu.

Account security: In some cases, receiving a notification about someone joining Snapchat could be related to your account's security. If Snapchat detects any suspicious activity, such as a new login from an unfamiliar device or location, they may notify you as a precautionary measure to keep you aware of potential unauthorized access to your account.

Remember that the specific reason for receiving the notification may depend on the settings and features enabled in your Snapchat account. Snapchat regularly updates its features and notification system, so the exact details of why you received the notification may vary over time.